Thursday, 3 December 2020

Crushed Ice Moissanite


For buyers and lovers of Moissanites there are generally a few things to consider in choosing the perfect stone. They are far easier to navigate than the Diamond as there are so many characteristics and grading that go into finding the perfect Diamond in that perfect price range. The Moissanites on the other hand are grown, so often produced in the better colour and clarity grade making it easier to choose something nice and bright with plenty of sparkle. 

If you have been researching and perusing Moissanites online you might have come across the distinction Brilliant Cut and Crushed Ice.

The Crushed Ice Moissanite has been the most popular cut in the last few years when looking at elongated shapes in a Moissanite due to its Diamond like appearance. Compared to the Brilliant cut much like the Round Brilliant which has longer facets, the Crushed Ice just as the name suggests looks like crushed ice inside the Moissanite due to its shorter facets.

When considering elongated shapes in a Moissanite like the Cushion, Oval, Pear and Radiant, it’s important to determine which characteristic you prize more highly. The Brilliant cut with the longer facets will have more a show of light. Often the Moissanite gives more of a rainbow effect compared with a genuinely good quality Diamond however technology behind the production and cutting techniques have come such a long way that face up often they are so similar it’s difficult to tell them apart.

If it is the Diamond look is what you are going for, generally the Crushed Ice hits the mark especially in the larger stones where the facets are generally longer, the shorter cut breaks up the light a little more which can appear more Diamond like rather than the standard Brilliant cut.

While the Crushed Ice Moissanite is more Diamond like and a genuine Gemstone in its own right it is not a Diamond. There is a distinction – the main one being price. Moissanites are only around 10% of the price of a genuine mined Diamond. The other main distinction is the look of the Moissanite. Although they are super close in appearance the Diamond will always have that crisp sharp look in comparison. Check out the team at I Heart Moissanites for all things Moissanite– Compare via their website and Instagram the Brilliant and Crushed Ice or even visit their Sydney showroom to view them in person.

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