Thursday, 10 December 2020

Three stages of getting application approved form health Canada for marijuana production


You know how much it is hard to get marijuana license. No matter you are individual or commercial producer want to produce marijuana for mass production, you will always require obtaining a license from the health Canada. The health Canada has three major steps to pass in order to get license from the govt.  However, all these are not easy, there are hard steps you need to pass, you are expected to fully satisfy them. You are expected to write the application fully so that they could be sure you are doing safe production and business of marijuana. In 2016 over 1500 applications have applied to health Canada for marijuana. However, in between those only 32 applicants passed the test. So, now you understand how much easy the application is. If you look for majority of them (I should not say majority, I should say all of them) they have hired some consultancy firms to get their marijuana application approved.

Don’t worry; Pipe Dreemz is here to help you with the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations rules and regulations and which could actually help you to know how you will apply to health Canada. Our boss Mr. George Routhier who have decades of experience working with food and drug administration in United States and also working with several agencies and thus he knows how to deal with them. No matter you are doing marijuana production for individual or for businesses or you are doing mass production. We have experts they will assist you if you are looking to do business of marijuana. We have experts with mix of knowledge to help you with submitting the application, application review and other stuffs. We will guide you in each step. If your application ever rejected, we will review. We will look for safety and security tools and correctly set up and many more.


The three steps is follows –

1.      Application Received – The 1st step of application received is receiving. In this stage the agency will look if the application is complete or not. If it is not complete they will reject the application. As stated previously, 801 applications only approved by health Canada. So make sure that application is received correctly. Sometimes this step takes long time if your application is incomplete. At Pipedreemz we take seriously to write the application perfectly and fully so that you will not get rejected. If your application passes this primary( or 1st step of getting approval) process then they will get a application reference number , if they don’t get any reference number then make sure your application is not approved.

2.      Preliminary Screening - If the application passes Health Canada's "preliminary screening for completeness," then the application will get an application reference number assigned. This assigned LP application reference number is then used throughout the remainder of the ACMPR application process in regards to communications with Health Canada.

3.      Enhanced Screening/ Security – In this process, it is actually broader screening process Initiation of Security Clearance Process. If you clear this screening process then you are inch to go to the final reviewable process.

After you pass the above process, there are Application Review, Pre-License Inspection, and Licensing process. Note that it is not that if you pass three steps or may be four steps you could not be rejected by next steps. You could be rejected by any steps any time. Once you are rejected, you could re-apply for resubmit the application. If compromising information were to reach Health Canada regarding the applicant, they could easily get sent back to square one. With that said, an ACMPR licensed producer application can also be denied by Health Canada at any stage.  We suggest you to maintain the ACMPR rules and regulations strictly so that you would not rejected any stage.

If you are really serious about to get approval of marijuana application, contact with pipe dreemz immediately. We are top cannabis consulting firms Canada helping $150 million dollar businesses in United States and Canada. 

You can email us or call us whatever you want. If you are going to email, the just email me at or if you are going to call us the just call us at 613 – 294 – 2324.

We look forward to work with you.


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