is the only G7 country that has permitted to grow cannabis for both medical and
recreational purposes under Access to Cannabis for Medical Purpose Resolutions.
you proceed you must know what is medical & recreational cannabis? Medical
Cannabis is the type of cannabis that is grown, processed, packaged, exported, and
sold only for medical purpose while recreational cannabis is only for
consumption purposes.
was long standing understanding that cannabis could be an addiction and it
could hamper the social life as well.
However, it is undeniable that cannabis does harm some way.
cannabis too has medical and health benefits. If you ignore this many lives
will not be saved. That’s why the world today is running towards cannabis only
for medical purposes.
out 53 states only 18 states in USA legalized recreational cannabis. Only two
states legalized both medical and recreational cannabis.
from the Middle East tour two months President Joe Biden Echoed that “I don’t
think people should be in Gail just because he consumed Cannabis”.
there are no federal laws and federal permit so that people could grow cannabis
for both medical and recreational purposes. Canada too had lot of hurdle in its
initial days however, we made it though. There were Marijuana for Medical
purpose Resolutions or MMPR and then ACMPR as we discussed before.
ACMPR facilitates variety types of licenses and they are following –
Standard Cultivation License
Micro Cultivation License
Nursery Cultivation License
Sale for Medical Purpose License
Industrial Hemp License
Cannabis research license
the above all licenses standard, micro and nursery license Canada are
mainly for those who wants to grow cannabis for medical purposes in Canada.
license theoretically authorizes you to grow cannabis in unlimited space which
actually interprets that you can have much larger cannabis canopy that could
grow cannabis in large quantity. So, the cost to build proper infrastructure
according to health Canada cannabis canopy building guidelines would be costly
too if security, Good production practices included too.
Micro cultivation license will give you authority to grow cannabis within 200
square meter of cannabis canopy size which includes racks, benches etc. So, the
cannabis grow size will be small compared with standard cultivation. You can
save lot of money building security infrastructure, good manufacturing
practices etc and so on.
the standard license holder is aimed at big businesses, enterprise businesses
then the micro license is mainly for medium or micro size businesses. You can
transform your cannabis license form micro license to standard license anytime.
Just make sure that health Canada does put constraints how many licenses be
applicable in a single site.
nursery license which is the maintain topic of discussion here is actually
important for those who was prescribed/ suggested by healthcare experts to grow
cannabis. You can only grow cannabis within 50 square meter of space. Ordering,
purchasing cannabis may be costly for some however if you grow own self you
will have access to the purest form of cannabis. Being nursery license holders
you will have all authority to grow, process, donate, export, sell, and show
cannabis to a cannabis license holder or any person who prescribed to consume
cannabis by doctor or healthcare expert or any other person who is authorized
to take cannabis. Nursery could help small businesses to grow due to low cost
to build infrastructure , installation of security hardware and software ,
implementing good manyfacturing practices(GMP)/good production practices(GPP) ,
auditing etc and so on.
need to worry while working with Pipe Dreemz, we will help all. As established
by Mr. George routhier who have more than two decades of experience of working with drug agencies
in United States and in Canada as well. We have the quality human resource that
will help you with –
production practices Canada cannabis program, which
ensures you are producing quality cannabis using the clean, transparent, high
quality cannabis for the market.
Building proper cannabis grow/canopy
infrastructure as per the health Canada guidelines
If rejected on any ground to health Canada
we will fix that issue and re-submit the license. Generally health Canada wants
to start from the zero and we will definitely do that.
To make you aware the latest constitutional,
legislative and administrative updates regarding cannabis laws and regulations.
If required we will also implement them or we will help them to your facility.
Pipe Dreemz will help you with installing
the security hardware and software to secure and track the movement of cannabis
inside facility and secure from unauthorized access form it.
Pipe Dreemz will help you to set up register,
book keeping, auditing your facility.
Pipe Dreemz will help you with greenhouse
prevention program as well.
Pipe Dreemz will help you with production
schedule planning
We will help you with standard operating
procedure update and pacification of startup activities.
Pipe Dreemz will help you to select proper human
resources for your company who will guide you in every step and will assist you
in every angel of business.
can set up an appointment through email or call, we have our resources who will
give you step by step guidance how do we work with our partners and how over
all things will go ahead.
you have any questions regarding the services of Pipe Dreemz Inc. you can email
us at .
You can also call us at 1-833-226-2776 instead.
product or service upgrades just follow latest blogs as written by Pipe Dreemz
portal or social media channels for latest products or service upgrades
This article is written by Pipe Dreemz,
who helps businesses, individuals, companies to grow cannabis for medical
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